Explore the rich and diverse world of teas with our private-label options. From classic blends to unique herbal infusions, we can create a tea range that caters to your customers' preferences.

Sleep Tea

Promote Restful Sleep

Experience the calming blend of Good Sleep Tea, carefully crafted to reduce stress and enhance sleep quality in those struggling with insomnia. This soothing infusion of passion flowers, Ashwagandha, Chamomile, Valerian root, and more, fosters relaxation and mental stability. Ideal for addressing sleep-related issues and improving physical well-being.


Slim Tea

Support Weight Management

Discover Slim Tea, a holistic solution for weight management. This herbal fusion of Green tea, Garcinia, Ginger, Cumin, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, and more offers a natural approach to healthy weight. Boost metabolism, improve digestion, burns fat and bolster immunity with this wellness tea.



Hormonal Balance & Wellness

Empower your clients with PCOS/PCOD Tea, a herbal blend designed to balance hormones, regulate periods, and reduce testosterone levels. With ingredients like Shatavari, Ashoka, and Green tea, it exhibits phytoestrogenic and antioxidant qualities, making it an ideal choice for individuals managing PCOS symptoms.


Arthritis Tea

Relieve Joint Inflammation

Provide relief to those suffering from arthritis with Arthritis Tea. This herbal blend with Chamomile flowers, Turmeric, Boswellia, Ashwagandha, and more offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Alleviate joint pain, promote mobility, and support active, healthy living.


Diabetic Tea

Manage Blood Sugar & Boost

Immunity Offer a natural approach to managing blood sugar levels and enhancing immunity with Anti-Diabetic Tea. Ingredients like Gymnema sylvestre, Amla, Cumin, and Green tea help restore balance and improve overall health, making it a valuable addition to your wellness product offerings.


Anti-Oxidant Tea

Boost Immunity & Vitality

Moringa Tea serves as a natural immune and energy booster, addressing a wide range of health conditions. With Moringa leaves, Licorice root, Ginger, and Green tea, it's a potent choice for those seeking to prevent and alleviate various chronic issues, from high blood pressure to inflammation.


Anti-Inflam Tea

Immunity & Inflammation Defense

Enrich your product line with Bay Leaf Tea, known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. This herbal blend, featuring Bay leaves, Cinnamon, Clove, and Green tea, offers protection against inflammation and microbial infections, enhancing immunity.


Distress Tea

Calm the Mind & Relax

Help your customers unwind and relax with Destress Tea. Crafted with calming ingredients like Ashwagandha, Chamomile, and Mint, this herbal blend acts as a mild sedative to reduce stress, anxiety, and sleep problems, making it an essential addition to your wellness products.


Detox Tea

Natural Body Cleansing

Embrace the trend of natural detoxification with Detox Tea. Featuring a blend of mixed berries, Amla, Black Pepper, and Green Tea, this herbal concoction supports daily detoxification of the system, promoting overall well-being and vitality.


Digestive Tea

Optimize Digestive Health

Elevate your digestive health products with Digestive Tea. This herbal infusion, containing Triphala, Cumin, Ginger, and more, stimulates salivary glands, improves digestive fire, and inhibits the growth of undesirable gut microbes, that relieve indigestion and bloating.


Immunity Tea

Natural Defense Booster

Enhance your immune system with Immunity Tea, a potent blend of Turmeric, Cinnamon, and Black Pepper. This combination of ingredients fortifies your body's defences, supporting overall well-being and resilience.

